These are some of the figures I've painted. The files are big  cause I've a lot of space that I can use.

I'll shrink them if I get complaints or if I run out of space. As it stands I'm trying to find time to paint figures for the 'Test of Legends ' tourney so don't expect a lot of really fast updates.

One of my grey hunters
The sargent for my longfangs

A trial Legion of the Dammned Figure. I had a notion of painting up a squad of these guys. Judging by how long it took to do this one (and I'm not 100% happy with this paint job) I think I'll abandon that idea. Click the picture for a side view.


This is the brakkar fig I painted before I put the big Honkin' gun on. I got carried away and painted all the shading on the chest before I realised that the gun would cover it all. DOH.