Welcome to my new home!!!

I'm  getting very cosy in here now. I've even found a nice wallpaper for my living room . It's amazing how helpful the builders were after a 5 of my large friends called around for a chat last night.

The next projects are to sort out my miniature photos so that they do that nice transparancy thing & I can put some wallpaper up in there,  and I want to scan some of my GorkaMorka miniatures, and setup a link to that lovley pageminder service, and put up a page about the test of legends tourney and............

I found my old arddress book with all these cool links. Here have a look

Here have a look at some of my minitures. I've some pretty OK paint jobs done.
I'm working hard on a few things at the moment Scout squad   and a champion of Nurgle for the GW store nearby.

I got the new TROLL mag. Troll 4, I'll try and scan it this week

Here's some info  on the test of legends tourney that was held at GW HQ the last weekend in Feb

Here's my full army list

So the weekend is over and we're back home. With loads of loot!
Ronan Won the general prize
Josh won the Sportmanship prize
I cam in 14th of 70. After losing my last two games :( I was in 5th place for a while, Ahhh the heady feeling.

Our team won the Pub Quiz,  our team name ? Pog mo thoin.
(several people asked what this meant, It's Gaelic for place your lips on my rear, only it's not so polite when you do a direct translation)
As a prize on the quiz we won some models. 3 never to be released Dark Eldar, some new skeleton sprues and some dark elf scouts.  I had these up on my page but apparently some of you don't read so well and started hassling GW mail order asking where you could get these. I got a very polite e-mail from GW explaining that this was causing hassle and I've decided to remove the scans from my page.

Before anyone starts a flame against GW for this I want to make some things clear.

  1. I was not forced into removing these scans
  2. I have met the GW rep who contacted me about the scans and he's a really nice guy
  3. I was informed that people were hassling GW about the figures so I made my own decision to remove them.
  4. GW didn't have a problem with me having the scans on the page, they wanted towork out a way of stopping people hassling the Trolls. The impression they had was that I'd posted the scans as new released miniatures. Maybe it's my own fault for not putting the "they're not production figures" in 30 point blinking neon green text for people who just look at the pictures ;)

I'll see you again soon. Don't be a stranger now.

You are the   visitor since I put this site up on Feburary 2nd 1998.

I applied to be on this web ring but It looks like my application is still being processed. If anyone knows what the deal is could you drop me an e-mail ?

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modified March 10. Email - Jimmy Murphy